Find Out How We Do Real Estate Differently
The people of Midtown make an investment in the firm and each other. It is our responsibility to make the work environment a productive one, allowing our people to do what they do best. That is why Midtown offers company shares to all, as well as group health, financial planning, education and more.
A company's culture is its soul. People talk about culture, we live ours. Your workplace is a large part of your life, so why not make it a good one. Midtown has simple precepts that we live by, honesty, respect, civility, positivity and fun. We work together and play together and there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. Its all about the WE, not about the ME.
We are looking for entrepreneurial brokerage professionals in a number of offices. Retail, Office, Industrial, Medical, Multifamily and Residential agents and teams are sought for all of our locations. Midtown offers traditional and virtual brokerage models for all agents.
Midtown is seeking Brokers to partner with in all 50 States. We offer a progressive partnership structure with Brokers with multiple streams of revenue. We are open to partnering with brokers to open locations multiple states. Commercial and Residential opportunities are available.
We are a national, boutique full service real estate firm that can service all the needs of our clients from Brokerage of all property types to Management, Construction, Investment and Finance. If there is Real Estate, Midtown is there.
Midtown's mantra is Action. Opportunity. Ownership. We feel that owners of investment real estate command a greater skillset to service their clients. Every agent and staff member at Midtown has the ability to invest in our investment offerings. We are due to launch our first employee fund in 2021.